How to book a place at BiCon 2009.
Bookings for on-site accommodation have now closed. But if you are making your own overnight arrangements, or are just coming for a day, you may still book in advance but we must receive your booking and payment by 15th August, or you can just turn up and pay on the door (cash or cheque only).
For advance bookings, we can accept payment by cheque or B.A.C.S. credit transfer (UK residents) or I.B.A.N. international credit transfer (international residents)
When you book you will receive an acknowledgement and booking reference number which grarantees your place. We will also contact you 2 weeks before BiCon with further details.
Please book by one of the following methods:
1. Fill in a printed booking form and post it to us with a cheque for the total amount
Download the pdf booking form
Print it out and send the completed form, together with your cheque to BiCon 2009, BM BiCon, London, WC1N 3XX
2. Fill in the "word .doc" booking form and email it to us. We will then send you our bank details (B.A.C.S. / I.B.A.N.) together with a booking reference.
Download the .doc booking form
Complete the form and then Email booking@…
Want a copy of the paper booking form?
Download and print one out (see above)
or… Email booking@… with your name & postal address
or… Send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to BiCon 2009, BM BiCon, London, WC1N 3XX
or… Text 07909 xxxxxx with your name and postal address.
Sorry! We've had to freeze the previous online booking system due to problems with Paypal. All bookings received to date will continue to be valid. Don't worry!
The booking form allows you to choose quite a few options & there's also space to write your own flat-share requests. So please have a look at the form and read the notes at the bottom of this page before contacting us with queries.
Given the current financial situation, we've decided not to implement a price rise on July 13th, and all prices will remain fixed until the booking deadline of 1st August!
Your income | Full event pass | One day pass | Event pass + 3 nights standard accommodation | Event pass + 3 nights ensuite accommodation SOLD OUT! |
Unwaged | £ 31 | £ 12 | £ 97 | £ 106 |
up to £13000 | £ 37 | £ 14 | £ 109 | £ 121 |
£13001-£19000 | £ 42 | £ 16 | £ 123 | £ 135 |
£19001-£25000 | £ 46 | £ 19 | £ 136 | £ 148 |
£25001-£31000 | £ 50 | £ 22 | £ 149 | £ 164 |
£31000 + | £ 54 | £ 25 | £ 162 | £ 180 |
organisations | £ 65 | £ 30 | £ 185 | £ 200 |
1. The booking deadline is 1st August if you require on-site accommodation. So please make sure that we receive your booking form and payment by this date! And don't forget that since all accommodation is offered on a first-come, first-served basis, it makes sense to get your application in soon.
2. We've now sold out of ensuite rooms for general bookings but we have reserved the few remaining ones for people with access needs. There are also very few specially adapted wheelchair accessible rooms available. Rooms will be booked on a first-come, first-served basis.
3. Day passes are available for Thursday afternoon (community day), Friday & Saturday, but you'll see that we're not offering one-day passes for Sunday 23rd. This is the last day of BiCon and sessions will finish late morning (with general faffing thereafter!). If you want to come for just one day, we'd recommend the Friday or Saturday when you can take advantage of a full day's workshops plus some fantastic evening entertainment! But if you want to network with other organisations, then Thursday – "Community Day" would be a great choice.
4. Parents & children are welcome; but we do need you to register your interest early so that we can plan ahead. One child alone in the crèche is a sorry state of affairs for everyone concerned, and we cannot run childcare facilities unless there is reasonable demand.
5. Don't forget that we have a "helping hand fund" to provide support if you cannot otherwise afford to come to BiCon. Tick the box on the booking form, send us a few details and we'll do our best to help. When you contact us it would be useful if you could give some idea of the level of support you require. We can often make a sizeable reduction to your BiCon booking fee, but unfortunately we are unable to contribute towards travel and other expenses. Full details on the "Access" page.
If you have any queries regarding your booking, please email booking@… or send a note to our postal address.