Martin Winfield, Team Leader
(Bookings, finances, venue coordination,…)
"I feel privileged to be this year's organiser of the fantastic event that BiCon has become. Each year it goes from strength to strength, attracting both old timers who make it an annual pilgrimage and newcomers who take their tentative first step into the bi-friendly, and most importantly, people-friendly waters of our amazingly diverse community. This will be the tenth BiCon which I've attended, having been to virtually every one since Cambridge in 1998. Each year I come away with fresh ideas and newfound enthusiasm for my life's endeavours. There's simply nothing else quite like it on earth! When I'm not running BiCon, I might be seen trudging the hills of mid Wales, designing electronic stuff, or collecting sounds and images from the environment and constructing art installations, sometimes all at the same time…"
(Marketing, venue & Community day coordination)
Sanji attended her first Bicon in 2000 and has since come to nearly every one (she likes them that much!). In the past she could be found running workshops on bellydance, self defence, body-painting or time management (not all at once!). This year she will be found amongst the 2009 Bicon organising team. It's her first time being involved in running a Bicon and whilst worrying at just how much work needs to be done, she's also really looking forward to it. She feels that having been supported in the past by others in the Bi community who ran great Bicons, it's time for her to give something big back. All she asks in return is that attendees be patient with any delays and remember that Bicon is a volunteer, community run and led event – not a corporately run conference. Oh, and she likes chocolate apparently, especially the stuff with cherries in it. (Not sure why she mentioned that…)
Topbit attended his first Bicon in Manchester, 2004 and was driven insane by the event, so much so, he volunteered to do the website for the following year. Apparently, still nuts, just busier this year as well.
Topbit is also confused by talking about himself in the third person, and is also taller in real life. %)
Ed (the one to the <——)
(Programme / timetable management)
"Well, I think I'll talk about myself in the 1st person, so the quotes might help here.. I first discovered BiCon in 2007 after having already missed the first 2 of 3 days, so just turned up on the Sunday. A rather odd experience since by that point everyone seems to know everyone else. Still, it was a very enjoyable day indeed, and I knew straight away that I just had to attend the next one, which I subsequently did.
I'm the person who receives the emails when you email, and have the job of filing them (workshop proposals) into the database, and eventually working out how to schedule them all so that everyone can attend the workshops they really want to."
(odds & ends!)
"I first discovered Bicon in Worcester 2005 and its been like a lifeline, knowing I'm not the "Only Bi in the Village". Am also the organiser of Bi-Hereford, part of the Bi-Wales Group. I have several jobs with my local housing association especially, Resident Inspector and memeber of the Diversity Working Group, where my knowledge of the LGBT team and Disability discrimination is put to good use. Also a member of the Local Rainbow Forum.
I was on the 2007 Glamorgan team and despite getting married on 19th August, am helping Martin with odds and ends as Worcester Uni is on my doorstep. I won't be staying over for obvious reasons, but will try to attend during the day for at least one day in the weekend."
Latimer -Team mascot (with bodyguards)
"I've been hanging out at BiCon for quite a few years now. In fact I reckon I've got enough experience to be able to run the show myself. I'm a Buck, btw, and every year I get formally passed from one team leader to the next. I've got the top job really, because I get to live rent-free in exchange for providing the occasional cuddle & a friendly padded shoulder to cry on."
Where's everyone else? Apparently too busy to get their "blurbs" written. But we live in hope..